#Duel Playmat Series Tournament Shop

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Slifer The Sky Dragon
Mantiore Of Darkness 3x
Nimble Mononga 3x
Giant Germ 3x
Spirit Reaper 2x
Morphing Jar


Card Destruction
Card Of Safe Return 3x
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn 
Double Summon 2x
Sneatch Steal (Banned)
Dark Hole
Brain Control (Banned)
Change Of Heart (Banned)
Creature Swap
Pot Of Greed (Banned)
Instant Fusion
Gracefuly Charity (Banned)
Foolish Burrial


Torrential Tribute
Mirror Force
Generation Spirit  3x

For More Info
Dont Forget To Subs

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rescue Rabit Deck

Here Deck List

Rescue Rabbit 3x
Kabazaul 3x
Saberasur 3x
Effect Veiler 2x
Gorz 1x
Hunter Dragon 2x
Jurrac 3x
Sangan 1x


Double Summon 2x
Magical Mallet 1x
Gold of Sarcophagus 3x
Monster Reborn 1x
Card Desturction 1x
Reasoning 1x


Dimessional Prison 3x
Call Of Hunted 2x
Bottomles Trap Hole 2x
Mirror Force 1x
Torrential Tribute 1x
Solemn Judgment 1x
Solemn Warrning 2x

Monday, November 7, 2011

Video And Deck

                                                                  MONSTER 20
3 Superancient Deepsea King Coelecanth
2 Abyssal Kingshark
3 Royal Swamp Eel
3 Oyster Meister
3 Unshaven Angler
3 Deepsea Macrotrema
3 Fishborg Blaster


1 Monster Reborn
2 Moray of Greed
2 Pot of Avarice
3 Pot of Duality
1 Swords of Revealing Light
2 Big Wave Small Wave
1 Cost Down
1 Gold Sarcophagus
3 Star Blast


        1 Call of the Haunted                                    
         1 Cursed Prison                                        
         1 Fish Depth Charge                                     
1 Mirror Force
1 Reckless Greed
1 Starlight Road
1 Torrential Tribute


                        2 Ally of Justice Catastor                              
                              2 Armory Arm                                            
                        2 Black Rose Dragon                                    
                       2 Formula Synchron                                     
                     2 Shooting Star Dragon                               
                         3 Stardust Dragon                                       
         1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier              
1 Ally of Justice Decisive Armor                    


Monsters: 15
3x Gravekeeper’s Commandant
3x Gravekeeper’s Recruiter
3x Gravekeeper’s Spy
3x Gravekeeper’s Descendant
1x Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
2x Malefic Cyber End Dragon
Spells: 15
2x Pot of Duality
3x Necrovalley
2x Royal Tribute
3x Gravekeeper’s Stele
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
Traps: 10
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit
1x Starlight Road
1x Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
2x Soul Release
1x Gravekeeper’s Assailant
2x Kinetic Soldier
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Safe Zone
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x System Down
2x Dimensional Fissure
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Wind-Up Zeinmaster
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Grenosaurus
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Blackwing Armor Master
1x Blackwing Armed Wing
2x Cyber End Dragon

Plant Tour Guide
Monsters: 22
1X Debris Dragon
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
3x Reborn Tengu
2x Maxx “C”
1x Lonefire Blossom
1x Dandylion
1x Sangan
1x Spore
1x Glow-Up Bulb
2x Effect Veiler
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
Spells: 13
1x Mind Control
2x Enemy Controller
1x Book of Moon
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Foolish Burial
1x One for One
1x Scapegoat
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
Traps: 06
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
2x Cyber Dragon
2x D.D Crow
2x Puppet Plant
2x Leeching the Light
1x Chain Disappearance
2x Pulling the Rug
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Light-Imprisoning Mirror
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Orient Dragon
1x T.G Hyper Librarian
1x Magical Android
1x Armory Arm
1x Formula Synchron
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon

Monsters: 19
3x XX-Saber Darksoul
3x XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
3x XX-saber Emmersblade
2x X-Saber Pashuul
2x XX-Saber Boggart Knight
2x XX-Saber Fautroll
2x Effect Veiler
1x Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Spells:  11
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Pot of Duality
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Dark Hole
1x Mind Control
1x Book of Moon
Traps: 11
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Solemn Warning
2x “Gordo” Emergency Call
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Reinforce Truth
1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1x Ally of Justice Core Destroyer
2x King Tiger Wanghu
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Leeching the Light
1x Mask of Restrict
2x Pulling the Rug
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Brionac,Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Mist Wurm
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Naturia Beast
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x X-Saber Urbellum
2x XX-Saber Hyunlei
1x XX-Saber Gottoms
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Monsters: 18
3x Flamvell Firedog
3x Flamvell Magician
3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Summoner Monk
1x Flamvell Baby
1x Flamvell Archer
1x Flamvell Grunika
1x Sangan
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
1x Chaos Sorcerer
Spells: 14
3x Rekindling
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Forbidden Lance
1x Book of Moon
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Heavy Storm
1x Foolish Burial
Traps: 08
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
2x Call of the Haunted
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Eletric Virus
1x Ally of Justice Core Destroyer
2x Leeching the Light
1x My Body is a Shield
2x Swallow Flip
2x Chaos Trap Hole
2x Dust Tornado
1x Starlight Road
1x Formula Synchron
1x Shooting Star Dragon
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Ancient Flamvell Deity
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Blackwing Armed Wing
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Red Nova Dragon
Monsters: 14
3x Gravekeeper’s Descendant
3x Gravekeepers’s Commandant
3x Gravekeeper’s Spy
3x Gravekeeper’s Recruiter
1x Gravekeeper’s Assailant
1x Gravekeeper’s Guard
Spells: 14
3x Necrovalley
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Gravekeeper’s Stele
2x Royal Tribute
1x Dark Hole
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Mind Control
1x Heavy Storm
Traps: 12
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Magic Drain
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Dimensional Prison
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Starlight Road
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Eletric Virus
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2x Field Barrier
2x Ally of Justice Quarantine
2x Crevice into the Different Dimension
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Flamvell Uruquizas
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Wind-Up Zenmaister

Monsters: 24
1x Morphing Jar
2x Snipe Hunter
2x The Tricky
3x Reborn Tengu
3x The Fabled Cerburrel
3x The Fabled Chawa
3x The Fabled Ganashia
3x Fabled Krus
3x Fabled Grimro
1x Fabled Kushano
Spells: 10
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Instant Fusion
1x Card Destruction
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Avarice
Traps: 07
3x Reckless Greed
2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Nobleman Of Crossout
2x D.D Crow
2x Solemn Warning
2x Leeching The Light
2x Malevolent Catastrophe
1x Victoria
1x Mind Control
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x The Fabled Unicore
3x Fabled Ragin
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Brionac, Dragon of The Ice Barrier
1x Gaia Knight, The force of Earth
1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Trishula, Dragon of The Ice Barrier
1x Musician King
1x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

Malefic Drain
Monsters: 13
2x Malefic Cyber End Dragon
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Beast King Barbaros
1x Honest
Spells: 11
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x E-Emergency Call
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Gemini Spark
2x Forbidden Chalice
1x Mind Control
Traps: 15
3x Skill Drain
1x Starlight Road
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Dark Bribe
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Heavy Storm
1x Eletric Virus
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Discord
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x D.D Crow
1x Book of Moon
1x Hero Blast
2x Mirror of Oaths
1x Summon Limit
1x Crevice into the D.D
2x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Cyber End Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Number 39: Utopia

Hero Gate
Monsters: 12
2x Elemental Hero Neos Alius
2x Elemental Hero Ocean
1x Elemental Hero Ice Edge
2x Elemental Hero Heat
2x Elemental Hero Voltic
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Morphing Jar
Spells: 24
3x Fusion Gate
3x Miracle Fusion
2x Parallel World Fusion
1x Future Fusion
3x E-Emergency Call
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
2x Terraforming
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Super-Polymerization
2x Mask Change
Traps: 04
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgment
2x D.D Crow
2x Penguin Soldier
2x Puppet Plant
1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
2x Smashing Ground
2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1X Elemental Hero Gaia
1x Elemental Hero Great Tornado
3x Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
2x Elemental Hero Nova Master
1x Elemental Hero Great Tornado
1x Elemental Hero Gaia
1x Vision Hero Trinity
1x Vision Hero Adoration
2x Masked Hero Vapor
1x Masked Hero Goka
1x Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
2x Number 39: Utopia

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New News 2011 From Konami


Company to Showcase Products for First Half of 2011

EL SEGUNDO, CA (February 10, 2011) – Fresh off a successful 2010 holiday season, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (Konami) is poised to further strengthen its position in 2011 with a series of new Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG) releases. Announced today, these products will be showcased in the Konami Booth #5423 (Hall 1) at the American International Toy Fair to be held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City from February 13-16.

“The Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME has been a cornerstone of our business. We strive to continually add meaningful content to each of our new product releases. From the budding Duelist and the competitive level player to our hobby and mass market retail partners, we are confident that this year’s product line-up will satisfy everyone and position us for another very successful year,” said Yumi Hoashi, vice president, Card Business for Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

Debuting in late February, Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time portrays a sinister Duelist who is collecting the most powerful monsters from throughout history and can only be stopped if the heroes of all three Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series: Yugi, Jaden and Yusei join forces. To celebrate this second Yu-Gi-Oh! feature film, Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack releases February 22. This special pack (MSRP $4.99), closely follows the movie theme and includes the warped and twisted “Malefic” monsters, used by the movie’s time-traveling villain. Each pack includes five random Secret Rare cards from the movie.

Coming in like a lion, on March 8, Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion unleashes its brand new monster theme combining Celtic Dragons with Winged Beasts from ancient Rome. Highly disciplined and militaristic, Dragunity Decks work because the bigger Dragunity monsters can wield the smaller ones as living weapons! Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion (MSRP $9.99) is a great platform for Duelists of any skill level to build a Dragunity Deck for themselves. The set also includes five brand-new cards unavailable anywhere else.

On the heels of this month’s (February) launch of the Storm of Ragnarok booster set, March 22 is the release ofStorm of Ragnarok Special Edition. Eagerly anticipated by fans for its great value (MSRP: $9.99), this box offers a second chance for glory, with three booster packs of Storm of Ragnarok plus one of two Super Rare variant cards: Light and Darkness Dragon or Hand of the Six Samurai.

To kick-off the second quarter, the 2011 Duelist Pack Collection Tin will be available on April 5. These cool black-tinted mini-tins commemorate Yusei’s battles against the villainous Dark Signers on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s animated series. Duelists looking to collect some of Yusei’s favorite monsters, Spells, and Traps can recreate his game-winning strategies from TV with these collectible Tins. Each Tin (MSRP: $9.99) includes three packs of Duelist Pack: Yusei 3 and one pack of Duelist Revolution. Additionally, to represent the forces of darkness, each Tin also includes four Synchro Monsters used by Yusei’s adversaries, the Dark Signers. Three of these are Super Rare reprints of hard-to-find Synchro Monsters previously released. The fourth is a brand new, Secret Rare Synchro Monster, never before seen!

Just in time for Easter shoppers, a third mighty Dragon of the Ice Barrier will be unleashed with the introduction of Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier in Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula’s Triumph on April 19. The all-foil set includes 60 brand-new monsters including the super-powered Dragon Trishula, who’s a great addition to any Deck. Hidden Arsenal 4 (MSRP: $3.99) also contains ten Dragunity monsters, including two Dragunity Synchro Monsters, making it a perfect match with Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion.

May is a Duelist’s fantasy as three new products hit store shelves, beginning with the pitting of the ultimate Synchro Monsters against the ultimate anti-Synchros in the Extreme Victory booster set (MSRP $3.99) May 10. Extreme Victory takes Synchro Monsters to their ultimate extreme, with the new T.G. (Tech Genus) monsters. T.G. Decks are specially designed to crank out Synchro Monsters at a fast and furious pace. And they can do it repeatedly. Duelists can also put the smackdown by utilizing Meklords, a vast army of extremely hungry Synchro-destroying machines. When they see a Synchro Monster, Meklords simply devour it and use its powers for themselves! This set also includes new cards for many popular championship Decks, including Gladiator Beasts, Blackwings, Six Samurai and more. It’s the set for Duelists who don’t just want a victory – they want an Extreme Victory!

With all those new cards, Duelists will want to protect and show off their bounty! The Yugi & Slifer Card Sleeves(MSRP $3.99) available May 24 will help them do just that. These new high-quality card sleeves celebrate the groundbreaking Battle City storyline, by pairing-up Yugi with his first Egyptian God Card: Slifer the Sky Dragon! Battle City remains one of the most popular Yu-Gi-Oh! storylines ever created, so fans old and new will want to grab these Egyptian God Card sleeves while they last.

Rounding out the month of May with a bang, and with a sneak peek of things to come, is the 2011 Starter Deck. With a new Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series on the horizon, which introduces an all new kind of monster, fans will be sure to hurry to stores on May 31 to get these revolutionary monsters that make their North American debut in the 2011 Starter Deck (andin advance of August’s booster set featuring the new monsters). Serving two roles, the 2011 Starter Deck is designed to teach new players the ins & outs of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG and to teach current players about this brand new category of monsters (MSRP: $9.99)!

The last release of Q2 will help to positively position Duelists for awesome battles with Duelist Pack: Crow, the first 5D’s Duelist Pack to focus on the a character other than Yusei Fudo. Blackwing Decks have been one of the most popular Decks in North America for two years running, and available on June 6, Duelist Pack: Crow(MSRP: $1.99) is the best way for everyone to jump on board the Blackwing bandwagon! This 30-card set features reprints of 25 of Crow’s most powerful Blackwing monsters, Spells, and Traps and it also has five brand-new Blackwing cards. Even experienced Blackwing champions will want to get these new cards for their Deck!

Keeping the millions of Duelists entertained and engaged during the summer months will be easy, as Konami has two releases set for July. First is the introduction of Hidden Arsenal Special Edition on July 12 (MSRP: $9.99), which gives Duelists another chance at the first three Hidden Arsenal releases; jam packed into one epic product! Each Special Edition will also include one of two Variant Cards of a highly sought-after key card from the Hidden Arsenal monster themes. This is an ideal product for Duelists who haven’t checked out Hidden Arsenal boosters yet and want to give them a shot, or for those who missed these packs the first time around.

On July 26, let the heavens open and the celestial fury of the planets themselves be unleashed with Structure Deck: Lost Sanctuary (MSRP: $9.99). This Deck gives Duelists control over the embodiments of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn – plus the Sun itself! This 40-card, ready-to-play Deck is for Duelists who already know how to play, but are looking for a springboard to build a Deck of their own. (And also appeals to anybody looking for some good, clean planet-tossing fun.)