#Duel Playmat Series Tournament Shop

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rescue Rabit Deck

Here Deck List

Rescue Rabbit 3x
Kabazaul 3x
Saberasur 3x
Effect Veiler 2x
Gorz 1x
Hunter Dragon 2x
Jurrac 3x
Sangan 1x


Double Summon 2x
Magical Mallet 1x
Gold of Sarcophagus 3x
Monster Reborn 1x
Card Desturction 1x
Reasoning 1x


Dimessional Prison 3x
Call Of Hunted 2x
Bottomles Trap Hole 2x
Mirror Force 1x
Torrential Tribute 1x
Solemn Judgment 1x
Solemn Warrning 2x

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