#Duel Playmat Series Tournament Shop

Monday, July 16, 2012

Most Used Deck 2012

Samir Boabaid
Dino Rabbit
Monsters: 18
[3] Tour Guide from the Underworld
[3] Sabersaurus
[3] Jurrac Guaiba
[1] Sangan
[2] Effect Veiler
[3] Kabazauls
[3] Rescue Rabbit
Spells: 11
[1] Pot of Avarice
[1] Heavy Storm
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Forbidden Lance
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Soul Taker
[1] Book of Moon
Traps: 11
[2] Fiendish Chain
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[2] Torrential Tribute
[1] Dimensional Prison
[1] Mirror Force
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Effect Veiler
[1] Snowman Eater
[2] Spirit Reaper
[2] Maxx “C”
[2] Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[1] Soul Taker
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[3] Macro Cosmos
[3] Evolzar Laggia
[2] Evolzar Dolkka
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
[1] Muzurhythm the String Djinn
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Photon Papilloperative
[1] Gem-Knight Pearl
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
[1] Mist Wurm
1° Lugar:
Gabriel Calman
Chaos Dragon

Monsters: 32
[3] Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[3] Eclipse Wyvern
[3] Lightpulsar Dragon
[3] Darkflare Dragon
[3] Chaos Sorcerer
[1] Dark Armed Dragon
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
[1] Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
[1] Divine Dragon Apocralyph
[2] Card Trooper
[3] Effect Veiler
[3] Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
[3] Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
[2] Tragoedia
Spells: 08
[1] Future Fusion
[1] Charge of the Light Brigade
[3] Solar Recharge
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Monster Reborn
Traps: 0
[3] D.D Crow
[2] Victoria
[2] Maxx “C”
[2] Soul Taker
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Dust Tornado
[1] Five-Headed Dragon
[1] Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
[1] Photon Strike Bounzer
[1] Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
[1] Inzektor Exa-Beetle
[1] Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
[1] Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
[1] Stardust Dragon
[1] Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Queen Dragon Djinn
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
[1] Black Rose Dragon
3° Lugar:
Ivan Diego

Monsters: 16
[3] Evolzar Cerato
[2] Evolzar Diplo
[2] Evolzar Vulcano
[3] Evolzar Westlo
[3] Evoltile Najasho
[2] Effect Veiler
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Spells: 15
[2] Evo- Diversity
[3] Evo Force
[3] Enemy Controller
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Pot of Avarice
[1] Book of Moon
Traps: 09
[1] Solemn Judgment
[2] Solemn Warning
[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Mirror Force
[1] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[2] Cyber Dragon
[1] Kinetic Soldier
[1] Dimensional Fissure
[2] Dimensional Prison
[3] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[2] Chain Disappearance
[2] Celing Ceremony of Katon
[1] Level Limit – Area B
[1] Malevolent Catastrophe
[3] Evolzar Laggia
[2] Evolzar Dolkka
[2] Number 39: Utopia
[2] Number C39: Utopia
[1] Number 32: Shark Drake
[2] Wind-Up Zeinmaster
[1] Photon Papilloperative
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1] Stardust Dragon
4° Lugar:
Gustavo Hatsbach

Monsters: 12
[1] Elemental Hero Stratos
[3] Elemental Hero Neos Alius
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
[3] Thunder King Rai-Oh
[3] Effect Veiler
[1] Honest
Spells: 17
[2] E-Emergency Call
[1] Reinforcement of the Army
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Miracle Fusion
[3] Pot o Duality
[3] Gemini Spark
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Book of Moon
Traps: 11
[2] Torrential Tribute
[1] Solemn Judgment
[2] Solemn Warning
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[1] Mirror Force
[2] Hero Blast
[2] Snowman Eater
[2] D.D Crow
[2] Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[2] Super-Polymerization
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Skill Drain
[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[3] Elemental Hero the Shining
[2] Elemental Hero Nova Master
[1] Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
[1] Elemental Hero Great Tornado
[1] Elemental Hero Gaia
[1] Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
[2] Blade Armor Ninja
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Steelswarm Roach
[1] Maestroke Symphony Djinn
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
5° Lugar:
João Carlos Passine
Chaos Dragon

Monsters: 32
[3] Lightpulsar Dragon
[3] Effect Veiler
[3] Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
[3] Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
[3] Chaos Sorcerer
[2] Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[2] Eclipse Wyvern
[2] Darkflare Dragon
[2] Tragoedia
[1] Divine Dragon Apocralyph
[1] Card Trooper
[1] Sangan
[1] Plaguespreader Zombie
[1] Honest
[1] D.D Crow
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
[1] Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
[1] Dark Armed Dragon
Spells: 10
[3] Solar Recharge
[1] Charge of the Light Brigade
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Future Fusion
[1] Allure of Darkness
[1] Mind Control
Traps: 01
[1] Treacherous Trap Hole
[3] Eletric Virus
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Royal Decree
[2] Cyber Dragon
[2] D.D Crow
[2] Victoria
[2] Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
[1] Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
[1] Photon Papilloperative
[1] Queen Dragon Djinn
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[1] Five-Headed Dragon
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1] Stardust Dragon
[1] Arcanite Magician
[1] Scrap Dragon
[1] Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
[1] Black Rose Dragon
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
6° Lugar:
Fabio Jose Vieira

Monsters: 10
[3] Elemental Hero Neos Alius
[2] Effect Veiler
[1] Elemental Hero Stratos
[1] Elemental Hero Bubbleman
[1] Photon Thrasher
[1] Honest
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Spells: 20
[3] E-Emergency Call
[3] Pot of Duality
[3] Miracle Fusion
[3] Gemini Spark
[1] Book of Moon
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Reinforcement of the Army
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Super-Polymerization
[1] Future Fusion
[1] Dark Hole
Traps: 10
[2] Hero Blast
[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Chain Disappearance
[2] Super-Polymerization
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] D.D Crow
[2] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
[2] Thunder King Rai-Oh
[1] Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
[1] Snowman Eater
[2] Cyber Dragon
[1] Wiseman’s Chalice
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[2] Blade Armor Ninja
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
[1] Elemental Hero Gaia
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[2] Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
[2] Elemental Hero the Shining
[1] Gem-Knight Pearl
[1] Elemental Hero Nova Master
[1] Elemental Hero Great Tornado
[1] Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
[1] Colossal Fighter
7° Lugar:
Gerson H. Domingues
Six Samurai
Monsters: 18
[3] Legendary Six Samurai – Kizan
[2] Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
[3] Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
[1] Hand of the Six Samurai
[1] Spirit of the Six Samurai
[1] Legendary Six Samurai – Enishi
[1] Shien’s Squire
[2] Elder of the Six Samurai
[1] The Six Samurai Zanji
[1] Legendary Six Samurai – Kageki
[2] Effect Veiler
Spells: 17
[1] Heavy Storm
[2] Shien’s Dojo
[3] Ascentism of the Six Samurai
[1] Book of Moon
[2] Shien’s Smoke Signal
[3] Six Samurai United
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Gateway of the Six
[1] Reinforcement of the Six Samurai
[1] Dark Hole
Traps: 08
[2] Musakani Magatama
[2] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Mirror Force
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[3] Macro Cosmos
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[3] Chain Disappearance
[2] Dimensional Prison
[2] Royal Decree
[2] Soul Taker
[1] Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
[1] Number 39: Utopia
[1] Blade Armor Ninja
[1] Photon Papilloperative
[1] Black Rose Dragon
[1] Scrap Dragon
[1] Stardust Dragon
[1] Ally of Justice Catastor
[1] Naturia Beast
[1] Naturia Barkion
[1] Naturia Landoise
[1] Scrap Archfiend
[1] Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En
[1] Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
[1] Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
8° Lugar:
Lucas Stocchero
Monsters: 15
[1] Inzektor Giga-Manthys
[3] Inzektor Hornet
[3] Inzektor Dragonfly
[3] Inzektor Centipede
[3] Tour Guide from the Underworld
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
[1] Sangan
Spells: 19
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] Forbidden Lance
[2] Forbidden Chalice
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[3] Offerings of Doomed
[1] Heavy Storm
[3] Upstart Goblin
[2] Pot of Duality
[2] Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber
Traps: 06
[3] Reckless Greed
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment
[3] Rescue Rabbit
[3] Sabersaurus
[3] Kabazauls
[2] Prohibition
[2] Dimensional Fissure
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Pot of Avarice
[1] Gem-Knight Pearl
[2] Number 39: Utopia
[2] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[2] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
[2] Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
[3] Evolzar Laggia
[2] Evolzar Dolkka

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