#Duel Playmat Series Tournament Shop

Monday, July 16, 2012

Best Chaos Dragon Deck

Best Chaos Dragon Deck

Update 2012 July

Chaos Dragons burning the Meta

Hi guys! As you all know Chaos Dragons took YCS Toulouse and placed 2nd in YCS Dallas. Chaos Dragons is basically a deck created from the last structure deck that is Dragons Collide splashed with the LS engine (which is any lightsworn monster + Solar Recharge and Charge of the Light Brigade).Here are the deck lists of both players:

Alex Reed - 2nd Place YCS Dallas

Monsters: 31
3  Lightpulsar Dragon
3  Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2  Mystic Tomato
2  Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
2  Eclipse Wyvern
2  Effect Veiler
2  Ryko Lightsworn Hunter
1  Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
1  Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
1  Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
1  Judgment Dragon
1  Card Trooper
1  Chaos Sorcerer
1  Dark Armed Dragon
1  Honest
1  Tragoedia
1  Sangan
1  Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning
 Plaguespreader Zombie
1  Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1  Phantom Of Chaos
1  Darkflare Dragon

Spells: 9
 Solar Recharge
1  Monster Reborn
 Charge of the Light Brigade
1  Heavy Storm
1  Allure of Darkness
 Dark Hole
1  Future Fusion

Traps: 1
1  Treacherous Trap Hole


Peter Gross -YCS Toulouse Champion
Monsters: 32

Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
Lightpulsar Dragon
Chaos Sorcerer
Darkflare Dragon
Dark Armed Dragon
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
Eclipse Wyvern
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Card Trooper

Spells: 8

Charge of the Light Brigade
Solar Recharge
1 Allure of Darkness
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn

The deck's main focus is to summon big monsters as fast as possible and finish the game quickly before the opposing player could even setup his plays.Lightpulsar Dragon is a card that when I sent to graveyard from the field you can special summon a dragon monster from the graveyard,by having aRed-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon in your graveyard you have created a mini-lock.Another good card here is Darkflare Dragon he has the ability to remove a card in the graveyard by just discarding a dragon monster from hand and from deck,he is used to remove those threats in the graveyard like Inzektor Hornet etc. It also helps in setting up plays like sending anLightpulsar Dragon in hand then sending Eclipse Wyvern to graveyard, remove Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon via Eclipse Wyvern then everything is now up to you on what you will do from here.

Here is what I thought how Chaos Dragons made an impressive showing:

  • The ability to summon a lot of big boss monsters and finish the game before the opponent could make his moves.

  • The surprise factor of the deck- many people doesn't know how the deck functions just like this guy here:Top 4 featured match for those who are too lazy to click on the link well this is what happened: “Reed used his Metal Dragon’s effect to Special SummonLightpulsar Dragon. Duren flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field, but Reed returnedRed-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to the field with Lightpulsar Dragon’s effect, and used the his Red-Eyes’s effect to Special Summon Lightpulsar Dragon right back to the field, putting him in the exact same position he was in before the Torrential Tribute.”

So that's it for my analysis on how Chaos Dragons took everyone by surprise, for those aggro players like me you should give this deck a shot it is good, cheap and also fun to play because of so many things that you can do once you have your grave set.Till next time hope you enjoyed reading and if you have any comments don't be shy to give them thanks :)

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